Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are important documents that provide crucial information about chemicals and other substances.
Nanoecoway Co., Ltd.
156 Gwanggyo-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si ● Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (postal code 16506)
TEL: +82-31-8064-1588 ●
California's "Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2017" requires product manufacturers to disclose the ingredients of certain products to consumers. Covered products include air care products, automotive products that maintain the appearance of a motor vehicle, general cleaning products, or polishes or floor maintenance products used primarily for janitorial, domestic, or institutional cleaning. Industrial products specifically made for industrial manufacturing processes are not covered by the Act. The regulation can be viewed at:
Product Name: Anti-fog Cloth
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product can be downloaded from our website ( either by utilizing the search function on the Home page. Please note that OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard has different disclosure requirements than California's "Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2017." Therefore, the information listed in Section 3 of the SDS may not exactly match the information in this disclosure.
Chemical Name | CAS # | Function | Designated List / Fragrance Allergen | The table below provides links to the designated lists referenced in the California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017. | |
Perfluorooctyl phosphate | 57678-01-0 | Surfactant | CA Prop 65 | CA NLs | |
Isopropanol | 67-63-0 | Solvent | EU CMRs | CA MCLs | |
EU Endocrine Disruptors | CA TACs | ||||
IRIS Neurotoxicants | CA Priority Pollutants | ||||
IRIS Carcinogens | CA Non-Cancer Hazards | ||||
EU PBTs | CA Priority Chemicals | ||||
Canada PBTs | Marine Priority Action Chemicals | ||||
EU Respiratory Sensitizers | EU Fragrance Allergens | ||||
IARC Carcinogens | US EPA PBTs | ||||
ATSDR Neurotoxicants | WA PBTs | ||||
US EPA Priority Chemicals List | US NTP Carcinogens | ||||
US NTP Reproductive or Developmental Toxicants |